(read: If tomato is a fruit, then is ketchup
The question that begs:
If the STF (Supreme Federal Court) has desperate ministers,
and other results manipulators;
If the only oasis of seriousness is an organ in
which one inspector keeps saying all that should investigated in silence, and
never reaches any result;
If always that it is spoken about investigating and
judging the mensalão scandal newer misdeeds of the opposition are found,
silencing the contrarian voices;
If the judiciary is immersed in a sea of mud;
If the legislative is corrupt, inefficient and
incapable of representing the people;
If the executive deviates funds, creates
uncountable organs where more than 80% of the resources destined to any sector
of society;
If 40% of all the wealth of the country is tainted
by a State in the form of taxes, and is destined of anything that is not
(read: on the doctors coat: opposition. The man is
saying “I don’t see anything!)
If the CPIs and CPMIs of the legislative are only
vanity and political negotiation’s tools;
I ask:
How is it that this country is not like Greece?
Admirable these people, because only with the
northeastern courage we are able to survive!
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