There was a place in which all repeated in time!
There was a place where a great romanticist wrote
an exemplary work!
There was a place where the Psychiatrist decided
that, after everyone else, he himself should be internee, because, after all,
all were alienated, crazy and foolish
Another day I realized:
That there was another place, where everything
again repeated in time!
There was in this same place, a great penologist,
who wrote a new Criminal Code!
In this same place, in which there was the
penologist, he and all the other toga-wearing wise decided that they should all
be arrested, for such, much like the psychiatrist, and put himself to create
all kinds of criminal types, and the fact is that inexorably, one day, maybe
due to coherence, he himself maybe arrested, because, after all, they would all
be foolish, outcast criminals.
My God, isn’t so that Machado de Assis was psychic,
because, after all, if we continue to criminalize all human behaviors, there will
not be anything left to acquit our humanity, so, the last who enters, throws
the key of the lock into the Atlantic!
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